The California Supreme Court Agrees with Frankie Valli: “Big Girls Don’t Cry”
In an echo of the famed singer’s long-ago hit, Frankie Valli’s former wife may be crying, as she lost her bid to deny Frankie his community property interest in a
How family law works.
In an echo of the famed singer’s long-ago hit, Frankie Valli’s former wife may be crying, as she lost her bid to deny Frankie his community property interest in a
Imagine a divorcing mother so desperate to control her own case that her conduct in the courthouse hallway results in her loss of custody of her children. Imagine a husband
Imagine you and your girlfriend strongly desire to have children. You are unable to do so naturally, so you jointly decide to seek medical assistance. You donate sperm and your
There are 80 million Baby Boomers and they are getting divorced in record numbers. Recent and newsworthy divorces in this demographic involved Al and Tipper Gore, and the unforgettable daily
The Matzo has been eaten. The Easter eggs have been found. It’s now time to think about summer, which is often stressful for families going through a divorce or custody
I am always amazed and a bit impressed by parents who, after a financially devastating divorce, want to find a way to pay for their child’s college education. In California,
The engagement party is over and the happy couple is diligently planning for their joyful wedding day. One of the intended spouses, I will call him Danny, is wealthy. Danny’s
Most people know that the divorce rate is quite high, with the fastest growing demographic for divorce being Baby Boomers. What many people may have not known is that last
The phenomenon of “grey divorce”- the term referring to the demographic trend of an increasing divorce rate for older (“grey haired”) couples – has been in the news since 2013,
Just like there is no “run-of-the-mill” marriage, there is no “run-of-the-mill” divorce; both simply do not exist. Every marriage faces its own unique ebbs and flows, and various complex issues,