The Impact Of Pandemic Parenting
By Marlo Van Oorschot Van Oorschot Law Group PC Hindsight of the year 2020 is truly “20/20” and as we start understanding the economic and social impact of the past
How family law works.
By Marlo Van Oorschot Van Oorschot Law Group PC Hindsight of the year 2020 is truly “20/20” and as we start understanding the economic and social impact of the past
For many of us this holiday season, it may feel less like Love Actually, and more like A Nightmare Before Christmas. Our lives shifted drastically in the last couple of
Unprecedented times call for creative strategies to resolve family law cases. Whether its domestic violence, support or property issues, unless the matter is truly an emergency, family law lawyers and
On Monday, March 23, Avengers actor and two-time Academy Award nominee, Jeremy Renner, filed a request to modify his child support obligation (of $30,000 per month) and claimed that, in
An Opportunity to Draft a Love Document As things progress in the time of COVID-19, many of us are seeking ways to make lemonade out of lemons. California’s “Shelter in
As each one of us come to grips with a new (hopefully, temporary) way of life where social isolation and virtual connections are the norm, family law attorneys are quickly
The current state of affairs in California equates to a novel social experiment wherein people now engage in “social distancing” and “social isolation” in order to reduce the speed and
It’s all over the news. Coronavirus is crippling our country. The stock market is plummeting, people are scared, companies are closing or conducting business via remote means, schools are closing.
The film, Marriage Story¸ is emotionally painful to watch, and this is coming from a divorce lawyer – who is witness to the aftermath following the demise of marriages every
You, as corporate counsel, assured your client that in the event of a divorce, the methodology set forth in the corporate agreement (buy-sell, shareholder or partnership agreement) would protect the